Kills Adult Mosquitoes and their Larvae
INZECTO mosquito control system combines Traps, that attract and kill female egg-laying mosquitoes, and INZECTO Mosquito Chips, that can be dropped in all the most common water containers or places where stagnant water can accumulate and control the growth of the larvae.

How Mosquitoes Reproduce

Traditional Mosquito Control
The INZECTO mosquito control system combines all its products in a simple and synergistic way. The traps attract female egg-laying mosquitoes, killing the adults and their larvae; the chips provide long-lasting larvicidal protection in the water containers around you while preserving the life of the other species of animal living in the water; and the saucers, which in absence of any treatment can become an ideal breeding ground for mosquito larvae, are designed to host the larvicidal chips, making them unsuitable for the growth of mosquito population.
By deploying all INZECTO products at the same time as a coordinated system, you are attracting and killing adults and making sure that no mosquito emerges from alternative water containers. You are controlling the mosquito population without contaminating the environment, not exposing yourself and your family to harmful pesticides, while protecting animals and other useful insects at the same time.